
Sunday, May 1, 2016

French Cannon

Du Gourmand has been muttering about taking the French to the Crimea for a while now. Now as I'm reliably informed that the French may have had a few chaps accompanying Lord Ragans army, so I suppose I shall have to add some French to the collection eventually. 

I have a set of Strelets French artillery which comes with about fourteen or fifteen gunners and two guns. As my batteries are representational at best I only use three gunners per unit and needed to draft in some extra guns to make use of the extra figures. 

Rattling around the spares box were some italeri ACW artillery which are a reasonable match for French guns of the time. A quick coat of PVA later and these are heading to the painting table.


  1. The little preview window that Google afforded me led me to think that your photo was of a delicious French dish you were cooking in a skillet as part of your blog's customary eclecticism. Imagine my surprise when I saw the page itself and the photo up close.

    1. Well, I have mentioned cooking before.

      Cooking with Kinch. Why not?

  2. I thought for a minute that you were marinating them in red wine.

    1. Interesting idea...

      ...perhaps a decent rioja?

  3. I thought for a wild moment we were looking at cannon soup...
