
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Now on Facebook

George Washi-melon - shortly before he met his tasty, tasty demise. 

For them as care for such things, I have joined Facebook.  There are number of reasons - not least that the Facebook app on my phone allows me to update rather more quickly and easily than I can here. If you look to your left, you will see a Facebook button has been added to the left hand side of the blog, should you wish to add me.  

This doesn't mean that Joy & Forgetfulness is going anywhere and I hope to be updating things a little bit more often.  There are some big changes afoot here at Joy & Forgetfulness, but more on that later. 


  1. You have been added. But you'll find that the gaming content of my feed is mostly limited to promoting my blog; I mostly use Facebook's convenience to share other trivia of life :)

  2. Well, you have piqued my curiosity...

  3. No access to Facebook from work (I do most of my browsing from work at lunchtime) so I won't be adding you... soz, as the young people say... :o)

  4. Added...but be prepared for a never ending series of pictures of dogs....
