
Monday, June 26, 2017

A recent trip to the physiotherapist

Image from Wikipedia. 

CK: *walking back and forth while waving one of his hands in front of his face* You know, your profession must be a terrible temptation for a practical joker.
P: Oh yes. It's a tough one some times, particularly if they're not the nicest patient. I mean you tell people to pat their head and rub their belly or pull faces in the mirror and they'll do it.
CK: *staring at X painted on a window while shaking his head from side to side* Really?
P: Really. That's the thing with physio, people with muscle's hard to get them to do their exercises. People with balance injuries, they really stick to it. They will do anything.
CK: *standing on one leg and sticking one finger up his nose and one in his ear* Gosh.
P: Yup. Now stare at this X draw on the card and twerk for the next thirty seconds or until you feel dizzy.


  1. Not too sure which of you are a little frazzled
    Can you say "Twerk for 30 seconds" on a forum?, sounds a bit risque
    Look after yourself
    Cheers Old John

    1. I have special licence - this blog is sold in a plain brown paper wrapper.

  2. Lol.

    My neurologist stuck wires in me to see where I twitched. He then had me stand on one leg and told his students (who weren't paying attention) that I would fall over within 5 seconds...

  3. I had the same 10 days ago.
    A years worth of falling over - always to the right - and I finally get referred to the Falls Prevention Service. They recommend a specialist physio and only a 20 week waiting list. Pay £65 and see him four days later as a private patient.
    A weeks worth of yes-ing and no-ing at an X on my wall and the feelings of unbalance have reduced so much that I am taking walks again and prepping my bike for use.
    Now on two weeks dynamic exercise twice a day and feeling so different to 11 days ago.

    1. Money well spent squire. My chap is a life saver.

  4. Do you think you may be taken advantage of ? :-)

  5. Sounds like my final psychometric test. I managed to make the woman burst into tears when we moved onto bereavement.Keep your chin up.

  6. Had you not been nice to your physiotherapist? I mean, they can be pretty touchy; you never know what will set a physio off: staggering through the door, presenting with an injury, saying 'ouch'...

    1. Like the ancient Spanish Hidalgo, they are a refined and easily riled breed.

  7. I admire the knowledge base of the Physio and how they understand inter-connectivity of 'things' that hurt. The two thing I don't understand is that I you see more than one physio, you will likely get the same diagnosis but be given different exercises and who are these people who fail to keep appointments? do they need a physio or not?
