
Saturday, July 15, 2017

A painter once again

Trooper Hobbes 

Babies, physiotherapy and all the other demands on my time have left little time for painting.  My eyes are functioning quite well these days, but the problem is stamina*.  Close work is quite taxing and I find myself saving that for writing work at present.  However, the yen to paint was on me quite fiercely a little while ago and I pulled this chap out of the box. A Rogue Trader era Squat Trooper, I think he is a Bob Olley sculpt. 

I decided that this should be Trooper Hobbes of the Imperial Army.  The name came to mind as he is nasty, brutish and short and the rest followed on from there. 

Ready to zap things for the Emperor 

Going back to painting after such a long time away was actually quite intimidating, but after some great help and encouragement from JB over at the Lead Plague blog, I got over the hump.  Another excellent example of the Freemasonry of the hobby. JB helped me pick colours which would work together, something I'm usually hopeless at.  Since so many of my figures are historicals, there is rarely much choice in how to approach them.  Total freedom tends to breed a sort of analysis paralysis. Many thanks JB. 

Stylishly turned out for the battlefield of the 41st Millenium

Trooper Hobbes is a recent addition to the Imperial Army, which he enjoys for the regular meals and the possibilities for violence.  I do not think that the officer that tries to tell him that his natty white gloves and boots are "not regulation" will have a good time of it. 

This way towards enemy

I'm very pleased with how he turned out.  It was an evenings work and cost me a blinding headache, but I was determined to finish him.  With a bit of luck, he may get some pals in the near future. 

*Ahem...that's what she said. *hilarity ensues, calls for order, much merriment, etc* 


  1. Now that is suffering for you art. Good thing he came out so very well, excellently so really.

    1. I'm very happy with him. It will just be a little while before we return to full productivity.

  2. Nice work! It's a shame they dropped the stunties. There were a lot of good miniatures.

    I know what you mean about the analysis paralysis when it comes to selecting colors. One thing that sometimes helps me is to look for some real world thing or piece of artwork as a basis for color choice (painting a dragon, look at lizards and snakes for examples; painting a human (or alien), look at historical uniforms or images from movies for inspiration). But then I sometimes still go back and forth until I arrive at colors I'm satisfied with.

    "Nobby" Hobbes looks good. (and to mix characters from fact and fiction, will there be a Calvin?)

    *(attempting to stifle chuckles)

    (glad to hear you're doing better anyway)

    1. I have accumulated a little collection of RT era figures. They take paint well and I don't have to worry about hamfistedly destroying a €30 piece of plastic.

      Calvin you say? There have been worse ideas.

  3. Very nice, some lovely subtle detail there. Does something like painting perform a benefit of increasing stamina in the same way that Physio does, like a sort of eye exercise - or is it simply an activity that though joyful, does not of itself aid recovery?

    1. Thank you.

      It's a bit of both. Physio of that sort is very gradual (it's the brain, not the eyes that's the problem) - so realistically you should stop as soon as you become symptomatic. Having been very good recently - I just decided to finish the job on this occasion.

  4. Glad to see you painting and a great job you have made of of your figure.

  5. Lovely work Sir and funnily enough I was just thinking the same regarding the tiring nature of painting. Sadly when I tried to explain this phenomenon to 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' it was not met with as much sympathy as I was expecting.

    1. Sadly Micheal, its seems that women while often quite sound on many issues enjoy a special blindness in this instance.

  6. He looks great, it would be a pity not to grant him friends !

  7. Nice to see you back into painting , Tony

    1. Well, I won't be matching your output anytime soon!

  8. The Evil Empire died for me when they discontinued Squats...

    1. I quite like some of their stuff - but it is mostly from that era to be sure.

  9. Absolutely charming pal. I love the colour combination (JB's the best advisor one can get, that's a fact), but the real job is making some sense out of the brush and paint, and this is truly excellent. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Suber. JB is a top man for that kind of advice.

  10. Nicely done! The arrow on the helmet reminds me of the "Front Towards Enemy" arrows on US Claymore mines (always good for some dark humor in the moment).

    Good to see that you are progressing and haven't lost the affection for such enterprises amidst life's other challenges and demands (and rewards). Modest steps can still be significant.

    1. What could be better than a road paved with small victories?

  11. I love the orange arrow, to remind Hobbes which way his helmet goes on.

    Regards, Chris

  12. Love you RUC riot squad figure, can't wait to see the Saracen. Takes me back to the 80's. It is a RUC riot squad figure isn't it. Insert wink thing a ma jig.

    1. I don't know...that beard looks more like a certain Mr. Adams to me.
