
Sunday, March 11, 2018

And now for something completely different.

An unusual football player - I'm not sure if he's League or Union. 

One of the pleasure of the hobby is being able to share it with others.  I don't play Bloodbowl, the comedically overblown American football game from Games Workshop, but I have plenty of friends that do.  I recently came into a few spare figures, including these two goblins. 

Off to frolic on pitches new. 

I did these two for a pal who has very kind to Mrs Kinch and I last year.  He plays Orks and I thought they might make a worthy addition to his team.

The first chap is a fellow called Fungus the Loon, who brings a sort of giant morning star to the game.

That blasted "bomb" writing was a pain in the neck.  

The second goes by the name Bomber Dribblesnot - and he a football playing version of "The Professor" from "The Secret Agent".  I'm not sure II could swear to his politics with any certainty, but I think it could be safe to say he's a bomb throwing anarchist.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take proper pictures before I handed these figures over to their new owner, but I at least had taken some shots with my phone. Probably the trickiest thing about Bomber Dribblesnot was getting the yellow lettering on a black background right.  

I don't paint 28mm figures very often, but they are fun to do.  I think the next ones will be some Genestealer Hybrids.  I've been trying to find a painting guide for the Rogue Trader era ones, as I've had a look at the new version but they aren't quite the same. Something to mull over for when I next get a little time to paint.

Legio has said that he might put one up on his blog in the near future which would be ace. 

I had never encountered Sir James MacMillan before, but came across his work recently. It's very rare that I find modern choral or church music that I like, but this is absolutely fantastic.  Wonderful stuff. 


  1. Like the Orcs , full of character , I did play Bloodbowl many many years ago .

  2. Haha, I never played Bloodbowl, but I enjoy the hilarious general aspect of them. I'm curious about your Genestealer Hybrids :)

  3. The Goblins look proper, good work!
