
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mind Bullets

Being a psychic demands skill, talent and an interest in amateur dramatics

I've been neglecting proper toy soldiers of late and doing nothing with my Stalingrad project which is pricking my conscience. I had intended to pick up some Winter Russians in the recent Elheim sale, but didn't get around to it. Work and family has just been so busy that I catch myself running both ways.  

I really must clean up that base

The little bit of painting I have been doing has been for Blackstone Fortress.  I've been tipping away at the figures for this, a little bit at a time - I've found that I can get one colour done sometimes in the mornings. The most recent effort have been some rogue Psykers - chaps that we haven't seen much of in the game as of yet, but they have a certain something. 

I was quite pleased with how the glowing eyes turned out

"Dramatic? MOI??!?!?!"

I am quite pleased with how the glowing eyes turned out.  I followed a tutorial from Guy at Midwinter Minis  which I heartily recommend.  It was a bit tricky at first, but I cracked it in the end. 

Fur accents to ones frock coat are so this season. 

This picture did not do it justice, but I am pleased with the depth of colour on the coat. 

That's it for Joy & Forgetfulness at the moment, though I am looking forward to a game of Napoleonics at the weekend.  Probably going to be Waterloo, because well, it's Waterloo and we have the pleasure of a visiting Mad Padre to entertain.  Mike and Joy visited in what I hope will be the first of many trips.  It was a real pleasure to make their acquaintance and they demonstrated admirable fortitude and patience in the face of a disgruntled Kinchlet.  

I did discover, sadly, that our visiting clergyman is a raving Bonapartist.   I hope we shall be able to teach him the error of his ways.  


  1. Splendid work on a super looking figure. The Mad Padre paid you a visit? Marvelous!

  2. These have come up very nicely! And it's always nice to hear when we band of online brothers get together in the real world!

    1. Thank you. It was great to meet up with the Padre and his young lady.

  3. Like these figures , I always have a problem painting Sci-Fi thinking of a colour scheme .

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Analysis paralysis is a hell of a thing.

  4. I'd think the occasional excursion from history would be acceptable ;) Glowy eyes look ace.

    1. I better cut it short. Otherwise people will think I'm not serious...

  5. Nicely done. I concur, the eyes look fantastic, you can be happy with these.

  6. Replies
    1. What are you talking about? Gritty realism throughout!

  7. That red coat turned out very well!
