
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Work in Progress

An altar from Mantic's Terrain Crate

 I got a bit of painting done during lockdown, mostly aimed at knocking out some stuff for Blackstone Fortress and Rangers of Shadowdeep.  This is a Reaper altar.  It looks pretty grim. 

Another view - needs something I think

I'm probably going to add some brass to the handles and some weathering on the top.  

Conquest Plastic Norman Infantry

I've been messing around with some Robin Hood figures for a while now and sometime in the near future I hope to actually get a game on the table. But every good hero needs some baddies, hence the Norman infantry.  This chap has ten mates so I decided I would go with a super quick paint scheme of mostly contrast paints. 

Another view - mostly Contrast paints

The Conquest miniatures are plastic and are very affordable.  Twenty quid for a box of forty.  You get a good mix of axes, spears and swords and lads in different sort of armour.  I've messed around with a couple of different setups and the figures go together easily and are clean with out too much detail. 

Needs a little detailing, but mostly there

I took these pictures a while ago and I've actually finished these figures since then, but given my terrible record of blogging over the last year I thought it was better to post and be damned.  

With a bit of luck, there may be more to follow. 


  1. Do like the Robin Hood opponents figure, he has come up well and is indeed great value. Good to have you posting here once more.

  2. Nice work ... and hopefully we’ll see more blogging from you over the coming months!

    All the best,


  3. Splendid work, old bean. Glad to see the blog back in action. Sorry had to dive off Twitter sharpish (Sonofagunner) but had some privacy issues with one or two bounders so I won't be going back on there for a while if at all. Keep up the good work.
    Best wishes,

  4. I must admit I'm a bit of a convert to plastic figures , I do enjoy putting them together .
