
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Tower on a distant planet - Cheap Sci Fi Terrain

A Robot, a squat and a blind psychic walk into a bar. 

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. 

The Squat is an old Rogue Trader figure, while the psychic is from the Astropolis Kickstarter.  The Robot is a privately produced model that I picked up via the Oldhammer Facebook group and he is just lovely. 

I picked this up in Lidl for about the price of a pint.  At the price it seemed foolish not to.  I actually picked up two.  With Stargrave just around the corner I’m hoping that I’m going to be able to get some science fiction games in. 

Rangers of Shadowdeep has hit just the right kind of role playing game with miniatures feel that I really like.  I’m hopeful that Stargrave will scratch that itch.  I’m aware it’s more of a competitive skirmish game - but Frostgrave is very easily modded into a semi-RPG,  so I’m cautiously optimistic. 

The kit itself went together in about five minutes and actually scales well with 28mm figures.  To be honest, while it's not perfect - it's actually pretty good even without a lick of paint and wouldn't disgrace any tabletop it was on. 

These guys are old Rogue Trader era Space Marine Scouts painted by my pal, Kriztian Takacs.  I popped them up here to get a sense of scale and they seem to fit right in.  Which reminds me, I must do something to dolly up those bases. 

A long shot

In brief, these were an excellent buy for the money and while I might do something with them in future, they look fine to use as is, for the time being.  I might also need to invest in a new backdrop for my figures.  I can't imagine whatever God forsaken planet this is having blue skies with fluffy white clouds very often. 


  1. Those 'Rouge Trader' models take me back .....

    1. I love them. I played 3rd edition a bit after my hiatus away from the hobby - but Rogue Trader is the version that lives in my brain.

  2. Excellent purchase, a cunning plan indeed. Your figures look great with it too.

    1. A plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox!

  3. I love it, its trashy aspect is pure Rogue Trader, nice purchase.

    1. It's perfect isn't it? I was think of adding an awning and maybe some paint. I don't want it to start looking Orky though.

  4. Nice little tower! (or Lidl tower?)
    Can't beat the price either it seems.

    1. [snare hit]

      Good one! I got a second one and I'm now wondering if I should have got some more, but that way madness lies.

    2. (with 4 you could make an entire fortress, like Fort Zinderneuf in space...) ha ha

      madness indeed
