
Friday, November 8, 2024

The Battle of Prokhorovka

We’re re fighting the battle of Prokhorovka at the moment using Memoir ‘44.  This was the giant armour clash between the 11th SS Panzer Korps under Manstein and 5th Guards Armour under Rotmistrov.  

The rules are the Breakthrough format of Memoir 44 (using a larger board and specialised card deck) and some 6mm figures and terrain to represent the units.  Each team of players discuss their moves in a WhatsApp group and send them in. We’re doing about two turns a day.

Initial moves were cautious with the Germans refusing their left flank and pivoting to face a Soviet push.  The Sovs spent some time in concentrating, while trying to soften the German defences with air strikes.  The first Soviet attack on the it left is going in now.

#memoir44 #history #secondworldwar #WW2 #boardgames

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