
Friday, November 18, 2011


The fruits of my avarice.
(as always click to embiggen)

I've been in something of a brown study of late and as a result there has been damn little blogging, though certainly not for any lack of things to blog about.

At last count the list included.

- the second half of my how to make rivers tutorial.
- pictures and battle reports from my ongoing Napoleonic campaign.
- pictures and battle reports from Gaelcon.
- a scenario I've been working on.

But none of those are going to be covered in this post.

Mrs Kinch and I haven't seen each other for three days as she's working days and I'm working nights, so when a parcel arrived a few days ago, she put it in the wargames room for me. As I'd been sticking to a relatively strict eat-work-sleep routine, I didn't see it immediately and it was a real treat to find it this morning. A surprise on Christmas morning sort of treat.

Pictured above are some Falcata Spaniards which I received thanks to the good office of Clive Smithers of "The Lone S Ranger". I stayed up after work this morning sorting them and working out how many units I could muster using them. The Falcata figures are little gems which I've blogged about before. Keen readers of Foy's Prometheus in Aspic will already be aware that these wonderful figures have recently been re-released.

Those who aren't keen readers of Prometheus in Aspic have some explaining to do.


  1. Yes these figures are great. To have them again available soon is a good surprise.

    I already painted my single sets of them, but new Spaniards are always welcome. I mix them with NapoleoN, Kennington and old Scruby or Hinton Hunt. Even Newline design started on this army and I still hope for Emhar's masters and HATs figures.

    Could be a great diorama of Medina del Riosecco or maybe Bailen?


  2. Nothing like opening a box of new toys to brighten a day.

  3. Uwe - They are perfectly lovely. I have some Kennington to mix them with and I'm looking foward to Hats production.

    Ross - Amen to that.
