
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas in the Kinch household

Floor completely washed and stained

There's been precious little time for blogging of late as Christmas is in full swing here at the Kinch household. Due to a minor miracle of rosters falling right, my rest days fall directly on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day, so for the first time in seven years I won't be working in some capacity on Christmas Day.  Mrs. Kinch is really excited and we're hoping to make the most of what will be a very, very rare occurence.  My folks will be joining us for Christmas dinner and we're pushing to get a lot of things done in the house in the meantime. 

Amongst these are the floor in the War Room, which is awaiting it's first of several coats of stain.  I'm very happy about this and I think it's going to look very well indeed. With a bit of luck it should be finished in time. There is a lot of picture hanging to be done.

Mrs Kinch is very happy with how the kitchen is coming along (note new tiles in background of picture below) and it looks like we should have two rooms pretty much finished this year. 

Taking a leaf out of Ross's, Mosstroopers and many others books. 

One of the joys of clearing out is finding things that you've forgotten. I found my Prince August moulds the other day and I've started casting again.  It's funny how the old tricks of the trade, like venting the mould, warming it and using copious amounts of talc, all come flooding back after five minutes casting. 

Not Father Christmas
"I am not a Jolly Man"

And speaking of the Christmas spirit, I recieved this from JB over at Lead Plague just before we went to Germany.  It's an old Adeptus Mechanicus figure from Citadel.  JB is a fine fellow mostly usually found on the Oldhammer Forum and I'd picked this chap up on Ebay with some other bits and pieces. JB was looking for a figure that I had a double of, but found himself short of something to trade. I said that if he painted one of my figures that would be ample. You can see some more examples of JBs painting skills over at his blog

JB not only painted the figure I sent him, but also found something that was on my own wants list and sent that as well. I would have been very happy with my friend above, my lousy photography not really doing justice to JBs lovely paintwork, but to get another figure as well. The Freemasonry of the hobby is certainly alive and well in France. What a generous gift. 

There are no toys in this sack

This fellow will be stomping around the swamps and space stations of a certain Dark Future in the New Year. I've grown quite fond of playing Rogue Trader, just throwing a few figures together and coming up with a story. It's a very pleasent way of spending some time with friends who don't really care for historicals. 

Thanks again JB. 

What I've been casting

When Mrs Kinch saw these moulds she immediately started hatching cunning plans. As a result I've been casting like the Krupp iron works all evening.  I am pleased with the result though and painted examples will be gracing these pages soon. 

Phew! There's a lot of work in this Christmas stuff. 


  1. Replies
    1. Oh I am - she would not be happy if I mark those countertops.

  2. Glad you like him ! I hope to see some of his whereabouts in whatever game or story you throw at him!
    It's true the colours make him particularly well dressed for this time of year.
    Thanks for letting me paint this one !

    1. And thank you for painting him JB. Bonne noele vieux type! I will post some reports as soon as we get a game on the road.

  3. That's a wonderful floor, Conrad.....many, many happy years gaming on that, and best wishes for the run-up to Christmas to you all!

    1. It's coming along wonderfully. I can't wait for the inaugural game. And wishing you and all the Roundwoods the compliments of the season.

  4. I hadn't realized you cast your own figures; well done. Also, Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Kinch :)

    1. I toyed with the idea for ages, but it never really came together from a wargaming perspective. I quite enjoy it as a hobby, but I mainly cast stuff for display or as gifts.

  5. The War Room flooring is quite handsome. Good job!

    1. She's a cracker and can work all day if adequately plied with gin.

  6. So you're set for tree decorations, I see...Maybe JB's handiwork can grace the top of the tree?

    I hope you and Mrs. K have a lovely festive season this year.

    1. It's coming together nicely. These decorations will not be gracing our tree as they are being made as gifts, but I might knock out an extra set if I have time.

      And the same to you and Mrs RB.
