
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The couple that paints together

So there are paintbrushes flying in the Kinch household

I hadn't actually anticipated that these would be as awkward to paint at they proved to be.  Unlike most normal flats they don't have a base, so there isn't really anywhere one can hold them that doesn't take paint. I'm just working in shifts and flipping them as needs be. 

Fortunately, Mrs. Kinch has her eye on something a little more sensible (to say nothing of easier to paint) for next year. 

And speaking of Mrs Kinch. 

Three coats of varnish done, one to go!


  1. Making her paint the floor of the War Room while you faff about with the angels, eh? ;-)

    Best Regards,


  2. The room is really coming together. Of what are the angles made?

    1. "Angels not angles."

      I don't get to quote Pope Gregory the First often enough :)

      They are made of Prince August brand white metal, which is made of a mostly tin alloy and is perfectly safe unlike lead.

      The mouthfeel leaves a little to be desired, though it is refreshingly chewy.

  3. That floor is looking wonderful. So much richer in color. My compliments to Mrs. Kinch.

    -- Jeff

    1. She does good floor. It's coming along wonderfully.

  4. Well - we share it from afar. Mrs. Kinch is of the opinion that if I am to have a War Room - it must be beautiful. I couldn't agree more. I think she has aspirations of using it as a dining room on occasion - once we have a respectable table in it.

  5. Doing the Battle of Mons, then..?

  6. That is a very high class games room you have made, my compliments for all the work and the impressive results. Your house has come a very long way - well done! Is this the room with the secret trap door leading to a Smaug's hoard of stored treasures?
