
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Parcels & Progress

A surprise in the post from Young Master Gow

I was very happy to arrive home the other day to discover a parcel waiting for me from Young Master Gow, who took some time away from scrumping apples and skinning his knees on things to send me a surprise. This was a boxful of American Civil War spares in 1/72.  Now as it happens I have no intention of doing the War between the States in 20mm, however, I have learned from Carlo that there is an extraordinary number of mid 19th century European armies that can be produced using these figures and I will be sorting them with that in mind. 

Many thanks and the compliments of the season to Young Master Gow - I only hope he gets something just as nice underneath the tree. 

Which reminds me I still have pictures from Old John of some Danish ACW conversions to share with you. Must get weaving on that. 

A surprise for my father in law

My father in law told me a story while we were away about a particular cake that his mother used to bake that had white icing and that was always topped by an iceskating lady mounted on a small mirror. My father in law has been doing trojan work here at Chez Kinch and this seemed like a nice surprise and the least I could do considering all his hard work. The basic models is a ballerina from Prince August's Steadfast Tin Soldier set. Adding iceskates was actually the trickiest aspect of the conversion.  I tried wire, which looked odd, plastic card, which was far too big and then settled on paper, which worked. 

A hat and scarf were added with greenstuff and the base trimmed to sit an a small mirror. Mrs. Kinch sacrifised an old compact to provide the mirror and I gingerly levered it out without causing seven years bad luck for which I am very grateful. 

There has also been some more good news - 

- The War Room floor is finished. We have to wait 72 hours before the last coat of varnish can take "heavy traffic", but the long slog is finally over. Hurrah!

- Even better, there is a new addition to the extended family. Ed & Aoife have had baby Alexander, ten fingers and ten toes, all healthy and well. There is much rejoicing. 


  1. Nice little surprise for your father-in-law. I'm sure he will appreciate it!

    And a nice little package for you. Also, congrats on finishing the War Room floor! Happy gaming!

  2. Wonderful news about the baby and war room. The skating lady is nicely done too.

    Best Regards,


  3. Well so much good stuff in one post.

    Congrats to all I say


  4. No Excuses now for not doing ACW in 20 mm and other C 19th armies, wonderful news about baby please pass on my heartfelt congrats to the proud parents
    cheers Old John

  5. No Excuses now for not doing ACW in 20 mm and other C 19th armies, wonderful news about baby please pass on my heartfelt congrats to the proud parents
    cheers Old John

  6. The War Room is looking great, Mrs K has done a fine job of the floor. Looking forward to the commencement of hostilities in there and the usual photos of happy wargamers and fun games. All the very best to you both for the coming New Year, and fantastic news re the new arrival :-)

