Nugget 364
The latest issue of THE NUGGET was collected from the printer (Macaulay
Scott Printing Company of Welling, Kent) yesterday and it is currently
being put ...
Panzerwerfer 42
As I plan to gradually retire my diecast vehicles I was tempted by finding
and STL file for the Panzerwerfer 42 or more correctly 15 cm Panzerwerfer
42 auf...
Old Friend
I took this old friend to town on Sunday. It will be sent away to the
maker for repairs and rewax. Staff were really helpful in the shop-
I have had the ...
APC stowage
I'm trying to make this APC look like it's in the middle of a campaign. For
this I've added loads of little packs and boxes. The real eureka moment was
Steamer Wars Tactical Rules Hexed Adaptation
*Delighted to get this out in the world and looking forward to developing
and expanding the system*
Its here! Today sees the publication of Steamer Wars ...
Patricks new Camerone Diorama 1:72
Here the latest project, which will be on show at the Dioramica in three
We produced these figures also for our Blackwatch shop. These figures a...
Catching up on my Reading no 23
The Battle of Fribourg.
Fast on the heels of his fine volumes on the French Army of the 30 Years
War comes another from Stephane Thion, this time on the B...
"Ah, excuse me for a moment. There is tumult in the camp. Wait here,"
ordered Ragnar Khan II.
"Mates, do you hear shouts and bedlam in th...
Flagging Again
I've finished my 'coke can' (actually Pepsi-Max) flag for the Grenzers and
am quite chuffed with the result. I cut the aluminium for the flag with my
Saratoga Anniversary on September 19th
*Battle of Freeman's Farm at Saratoga. British figures are depicted in the
cut downuniforms and caps used in General Burgoyne's army.*
*Benedict ...
Revisiting Byzantium - Playtest narrative
*Byzantines moving up past Mesymbria village*
As this was something of an encounter battle, a die roll decided who opened
the ball; the Bulgars 'seizing t...
Happy September 2nd!!!
This weekend, the question of what, precisely, constitutes an "imagination"
came up in an online forum of which I am a part. To be fair, the issue
The Battle of Maria de Huerva, 1809
On Wednesday night I hosted the Zoom game I mentioned in my previous post.
The Jolly Broom Man (he himself) commanded the Spanish troops, in his role
Once upon a time, a single line drawing could dominate a full page of the
New York Times.
They took a pen and ink drawing by the great Ronald Searle, en...
Plataea with To the Strongest
Hi folks,
It has been a very long time since I posted. It isn't that I haven't been
gaming, but I have been gaming a LOT!
First of many posts to come ...
Bassett's broken biplanes*
* also featuring Tim's terrible triplanes and mangled Morane monoplanes.
John B very kindly passed me this box of veterans at COW a few weeks ago.
The D...
Heroquest - the best thing about it.
*Balin the Dwarf contemplating his next move, while Sophia the Sorceress
considers her Spell cards*.
One of the pleasures of children is sharing somethi...
Hell Sent Me Back
I'm back publishing games with *Lamentations of the Flame Princess*.
Details about all that here.
Right now there's an adventure available at Gen Con--*...
San Cassiano; a return to the Italian Wars
For the last 3 or 4 weeks we have been trying to become better acquainted
with "Sharp Practice" and we have now (hopefully) reached the stage where
All change!.
Due to vast amounts of unwanted attention I am taking this blog down
permanently. But fear not, I have copied most of the posts onto a new blog My
"Old ...
Blood on the Sands at ShireCon
Had a great day at ShireCon, or the Little MOAB, as I like to call it. Had
a lot of interested people play a game or two and got to play test some new
Very Sad News
I'm very sorry to be making this post but I've just learned that Dale past
away from a heart attack on November 5th.
Most of my relationship with Dale wa...
Happy Birthday Joseph Morschauser III
Another year is almost in the books and today is Christmas Day… This isn’t
a Christmas story, but it is a story (article) written by a man born in New
Trying Something New
Based on what I said last time, I’m going to try out something new. Check
out my posts at Medium – one test you can ignore, one discussion of why I
chose t...
Wargaming the interwar period
This year’s VCOW (Virtual Conference of Wargamers) took place over the
weekend, and I was able to take part in se...
The Constantinov Regiment
Whilst I have, for the most part, 'moth-balled' my Classic Wargaming
collection over the past few years, occasionally I get the urge to dip back
into it....
Alas - no more ....
After a lot of thought I have decided to stop my gaming project in the
Caribbean for the foreseeable future.
The bulk of the completed units will become in...
The Fritz Leiber WIKI - [Currently Reading]
---------- The Fritz Leiber WIKI Welcome to the Scrolls of Lankhmar. It
contains information on the writings of and also the RPG Guide to Nehwon,
which is ...
A Tale of Two Battles - Part the Second
After the battle recorded in the previous post, I felt I had unfinished
business with Paul and his Russians, so I challenged him to a game the
Problems with Jackson Gamers Web Site
We are having problems accessing and updating the Jackson Gamers web site.
Evidently the main page has been "stolen" by a French language pharmacy
site. ...
Hot Reception
Gun and crew by Hinchliffe (SYW range)Christmas is an anxious time if
you're Hessian - but this year we're ready for you Mr Washington!
Battlegroup Tobruk Goes Strong into the Desert
Pavlov's dogs, famously, were conditioned to salivate when hearing a bell
which they associated with food. I have been similarly conditioned to
Happy Winter Solstice!
I decided I might as well face the truth, that this blog and project is
pretty much over and done. It was fun while it lasted, but my gaming
interests lie ...
Sky Pirates of Venus - Teaser
Sky Pirates have been the scourge of the Worm Empire of Venus for years,
and the Great Worm has had enough! He sends a team of four crack worm
commandos to...
Stephen King’s Threshold
“There is probably no dedicated fantasy fan in America who doesn’t have at
least one of those distinctive black-bound volumes upon his or her shelf .
. ....
High time...
It is high time I posted here again. The project has stalled. Last night I
decided to have a read of book 2 after many years away from it. It begins
so wel...
La Passeggiata
Artist: ItalianTitle: La *Passeggiata*
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Thank you for subscribing to the Orientalist Gallery!
Memories, Tangents and the Power of the Pastoral
*Charles Stadden 30mm BEF released fifty(ish) years ago*
It occurs to me that wargaming the Great War is not going to be a straight
forward thing.
Second World War comparisons on "World War 20mm"
Piers Brand has recently posted a side by side shot of several figures
painted in his inimitable style. They represent a number of different 20mm
metal ma...
Byzarbia at Ayton Game.
Once again it's been a while, though in my defence I plead that I have been
busy painting figures for our second Ayton Weekend Game, even forgoing two
of o...
Painted Bengalis
Finally, pictures of the painted Bengalis!
variant 1
All painted by Peter as usual.
variant 2
variant 3
variant 4
The paint scheme depicts the arm...
Buy my e-book and save the police (again!)
*Wasting Police Time** is now available on Kindle.
You don't need a Kindle itself to read it - you can download an 'app' onto
your iPad/laptop/whatever.
10 of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
1. The sun setting over a still sea, woven to silk, and the swimmers,
silhouttetted wading back to the shore like merman returning to land.
2. My br...
Why the WAR OF 1812?
I just received two of the more recent Osprey Men-at Arms books on the War
of 1812 in the mail the other day (not really that recent - 1998 and
I haven't been as active as I would be normally, for a variety of reasons, but one thing I try to do is take the Kinchlets out for a walk every day. This gets them some fresh air, tires them out and does at least delay my inevitable transformation into someone's fat Dad. A decent tramp is good for the soul and one of the places we've gone several times is Glasnevin Cemetery. This is a large cemetery and well worth a walk around.
A name in marble as well as in lights.
Look at that profile!
This chap is Mr. Barry Sullivan, originally from Warwickshire; he was born to Irish parents and had a long association with Cork. He began a stage career in 1837 and made a name for himself as a Shakespearean. He toured extensively particularly in the US and Australia. He was apparently one of the finest actors of his generation, though the Australian Dictionary of Biography states that he was inclined to err on the robust side.
Which always puts me in mind of this.
Monument to fallen Dublin Metropolitan Police Officers
Prior to independence, Ireland had two police forces, the RIC (Royal Irish Constabulary) who policed the countryside and were armed and the DMP (Dublin Metropolitan Police) who policed the city and were unarmed. I always have a soft spot for old coppers - so we have dropped down to this monument a couple of times.
The Roll of Honour
Grave stone of Constable Lahiff
Next to the monument is the grave stone of Constable Michael Lahiff who was killed during the 1916 Rebellion.
DMP Crest
Lahiff was shot at St. Stephen's Green (another favourite haunt of the Kinchlets) which is a wonderful park and well worth a visit. During one of our last visits, I took a snap of the plaque which describes the shooting. Please click on the picture to enlarge it, if you wish to read the text.
NOTE: This is a repost of an entry I wrote in 2012. I was discussing it with a friend last night and went back to it to refresh my memory what I had written. I've made an addition or two to it and fixed some of the broken links. I still think it stands up as a criticism.
Daughter of the Regiment
19th century audiences found cantinieres quite romantic
I have a soft spot for vivandieres. A friend of Mrs Kinch's remarked on this once, though she couchedit in somewhat unkind terms. "Was it normal for the prostitutes to wear uniforms?*"
As it happens, no it was not, though no doubt someone can produce an example somewhere. I suspect Massena's name will crop up.
Vivandieres and Cantinieres (for our purposes the terms are effectively interchangeable) were women who had a contract to supply spirits, shaving kit and other small necessities to the regiment to which they were attached. Strictly speaking the girls didn't have this contract themselves, it was held by a Sergeant who was known as a Cantinier. The Cantinier's wife was known as the Cantiniere and was definitely not a prostitute. She took up the job as the Cantinier was too busy with his duties, marching up and down and so forth and staring at terrified recruits and saying things like "Zis eez ze brown bess musket, eet eez ze preferred wepon ov yur enemy and it make a verey diztinktive zound when fired at you, mon brave."
An S Range Vivandiere
This figure represents a typical vivandiere/cantiniere with her basket and little barrel of brandy. She was a gift from Foy over at Prometheus in Aspic, who no doubt noted my somewhat unwholesome interest in the breed. She was painted by Krisztian, whose skill and craftsmanship is almost getting monotonous in its excellance.
For your titilation, the ladies uncovered ankles.
Put them away you dirty, dirty girl...
As it happened Cantiniere's were rather better at surviving battles than their husbands were and as such (as well as I suspect their access to a legitimate source of booze may also have played a part) were highly sought after as spouses. Nicholette, the vivandiere, in RF Delderfields "Seven Men of Gascony" is married several times and is unabashedly unsentimental about the process.
Just pull yourself together dear...
NOTE: As I am revisiting this post, I realised that I linked to the image I used here (rather than downloading it and inserting it into the text) and whoever was using it has removed it. For reference it was an image of a very attractive actress, playing Lady Macbeth. She was down to her bra and underwear and covered in so much blood she looked like something out of the third act of Carrie.
Which brings me to the second point of this post, what does Kinch have against Lady Macbeth? Nothing per se, I like Macbeth. It's not my favourite or the one I know best, but it is very, very good. However, I don't care for the usual casting of Lady Macbeth, who is often a painfully young, screechy creature who uses the sleepwalking scene to take her hysterics for a walk.
All of which misses one of the essential truths of soldiers wives - they are tough women.
Isuzu Yamada's performance in Kurosawa's Throne of Blood is a notable exception to this somewhat depressing rule and Dame Judi Dench in Trevor Nunn's 1979 production is suitably flinty, but what makes those two stand out is that while they do portray women in a state of mental breakdown, they don't make a meal of it. To paraphrase Victoria Wood, you can't just rub some blood on your hands, scream a bit and go, "Don't mind me, I'm a looney".
NOTE: Apparently "Don't mind me, I'm a looney" does not have the common currency that it should. It is a reference to "Giving Notes", a magnificent sketch by the late (and much missed) Victoria Wood. It's only three minutes long and for context, the character is a producer in an amateur production of Hamlet.
A second Vivandiere,
based on the facings I'd say attached to a regiment of dragoons
No-one has made a film of Seven Men of Gascony, which is a pity as it's rather good and with the exception of Gerard, certainly the best fiction I've read about the period from the French point of view. I fear however, that if one was made today, that poor old Nicolette would be hammered into the same tired "beautiful, but deadly" formula that seems to be rule for heroines these days.
This lady was a gift from Old John of 20mmNostalgic Revival and she does look fine. She's been used as an objective marker (with attached donkey) for Command & Colours Napoleonics games so far, though I think it will take a skirmish game for her to come into her own.
"I hate to see you leave,
but I love to watch you go."
I think the point about the portrayal of Lady Macbeth that annoys me so much is that it is unfair. Sir Terry Pratchett wrote about women like her in his fantasy novel, "Guards, Guards".
"Sybil's female forebears had valiantly backed up their husbands as distant embassies were besieged, had given birth on a camel or in the shade of a stricken elephant, had handed around the little gold chocolates while trolls were trying to break into the compound, or had merely stayed at home and nursed such bits of husbands and sons as made it back from endless little wars. The result was a species of woman who, when duty called, turned into solid steel."
Sir Terry is writing about a policeman's wife, rather than a soldiers and I see a lot of Sybil in Mrs Kinch sometimes. It may no longer be fashionable or popular and I can't think of an example in popular culture in recent years, but I'll be damned if I don't give these ladies their due.
*Whereupon my mother in law (who is reading this over my shoulder, yes you Mary) says something uncharitable about the Guards Division.
The latest addition to the collection from our man in Budapest. This is a 1/16 Cardinals Guard from Mini Art and very lovely it is too. I remember being quite confused as a young adult when I finally read Dumas unabridged and discovered that D'Artagnan and Cardinal Richelieu end the novel as not quite enemies and almost allies.
The richness of the red in the tabard is really something.
As always, our man's faces are excellent. This fellow is definitely not someone to be trifled with. I'm always amazed by the character he manages to impart to a relatively humble plastic kit. This chap will be taking over guard duties on one of my bookshelves. One thing I've noticed is that these larger figures can get quite dusty after a while. A feather duster doesn't seem to be the way to go, but I'm sure there's a way of keeping them bright without damaging them.
Of course, I think everyone of my age who took an interest in Dumas came across him here. I am happy to announce that this is proving a real hit with the Kinchlets. One thing that struck me about the programme is actually how demanding it is of its viewers. The Kinchlets like the music and colours, but something that completely passed me by when I watched it originally is that it actually tells a reasonably close version of the three musketeers story in something like thirty plus installments.
It really surprised me to see a children's television programme that believed its audience would be able to keep up.
"What are you up to Daddy?"
The Kinchlets continue to be a joy albeit a tiring one. Girl Kinchlet is crawling now and suddenly Sir Harry Flashman VC is leading a new and very exciting existence that mainly involves sleeping out of reach and keeping his tail where he can see it.