Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Normal service will resume shortly

Jacobite cavalry, don't they look smart?

Chaps, just a brief note to assure you that I haven't shuffled off this mortal coil.

A more than usually heavy work and domestic schedule, exacerbated by an off duty injury  complicated by an on-duty injury,  is occupying most of my time at present.

In the mean time talk amongst yourselves, read my column in Battlegames and I'll be back in a jiffy.


  1. Multiple injuries and complications, not pleasant things to contemplate. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  2. Hopefully the injuries are not too serious, sir. We do want you back and healthily gaming/blogging soon.

    -- Jeff

  3. Conrad

    Hope to see you on line again soon. Great article in BG!!

    Will the injuries affect your training routine for the Boyne march? (I mean the walking training not the drinking training that features in past pictures - I figure that'll go on unhindered).


  4. Conrad Kinch,

    I hope that the injuries are not too bad and that pressure of work and home life ease in the near future.

    All the best,

