I've listened to audiobooks for a long time, but I really upped my consumption last year. I have a couple of avenues for these, Librivox, Audible, etc. But I have been backing a Patreon run by a chap who glories in the name, Felbrigg Napoleon Herriot. FNH does a mixture of stuff, mostly 19th century fiction, classic sci-fi and military history. I've been listening to Felbrigg's stuff for several years now - probably my favourite piece of work is his recording of Oman's "History of the Peninsular War". He's currently working through volume 4. I had read the first three volumes in hard copy. It was a pleasure to revisit them in audiobook form. I only regret that I didn't pick up all the volumes of the Spellmount edition when I had the chance, but I am slowly finding them second hand.
FNH has recorded Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage" and made it freely available on YouTube. If you'd like to have a listen, click on the image above. If you'd like to back his Patreon, which is less than the price of a pint a month, you should have a look here.
If your tastes run to weird fiction, you should have a look at Edward French. He records classic horror and science fiction short stories. He puts them all up on YouTube and they are absolutely free. French is an excellent reader and you should give him a try.
Click on the image above to hear his recording of Algernon Blackwood's "The Empty House".

The Men who would be Kings by Dan Mersey is an excellent set of rules and we've been playing it for about a year now. I recommend them unreservedly. They are currently half price (£6)from the Osprey website. If you've any interest in Colonial Wargaming, they are well worth the money.
Really enjoyed the empty house thanks for the suggestion.